The challenges:

  • The family home was purchased in 1960
  • The successor trustee needed to sell it to maximize net proceeds, but lives out of the are
  •  It was clearly a wholesale product
  • Non-existent renovation budget

Take a look at the before pics!

The solutions:

  • Our design/construction team created a "Must-Do" list of improvements to elevate the property to retail status
  • Target: 400% ROI for all renovation items
  • All costs to be paid with proceeds upon sale closing
  • Implementing my "9 Strategies System"

Take a look at the after pics!


  • 2nd-highest price-per-foot sale in the neighborhood
  • Goal of a 400% ROI on renovation costs reached
  • Maximum possible net proceeds within the established timing requirements

This is the 5th sale like this that my team and I have done in the last several years.

They're not easy: long-time family homes, lots of emotional connection, copious amounts of deferred maintenance and updating that is needed, etc.. But we LOVE it.

If you've got a similar situation, please reach out for further discussion.

Thank you for watching!!!

Michael Hausam is a licensed Real Estate Broker. He's been a resident of Orange County, CA since 1990, he funded his first mortgage loan in 1991, has had a B-1 general contractors license since 2005, and he has had his real estate license for over 25 years.

Thank you,


Broker Associate, Coldwell Banker Realty

Want to discuss this topic further?

Let's set up a time to talk about it!

Copyright Hausam Group